Sep 13, 2006 20:33
I guess I'm feeling rather philosophical tonight (sleep deprivation and friends with major life issues will do that to you). On the way back home from church I began to think about what were the key things that really got me involved with my church and to really begin to enjoy religion. What I came up with seems kind of funny, but it's true.
When our son was born I wanted to start attending services regularly, which we did. But I still felt like visitors. So then I decided to volunteer to teach Sunday school. That helped me to meet a few more people and to begin to learn a bit more about the church's philosophy. But the biggest thing that got me involved was Harry Potter. No, I didn't stutter. Harry Potter. I'm a huge HP fan (as if you couldn't tell)and so my church was offering a group study on the book Looking For God in Harry Potter (great book). I decide to go to the Wednesday night group (which I had never done before) and got hooked. I never knew how much Christian symbolism was in the HP series. Tons and tons I tell you! ;) So subsequently I attended the Narnia and Our Favorite Books series. Currently we are now doing The Lord of the Rings which is also just fascinating.
The other thing that got me really excited about religions was The DaVinci Code (another you see a pattern here?). It made me want to study history, the Bible, and different philosophies to be able to draw conclusions for myself. I've never been so excited about the Bible...ever! Anyway, I thought the book was great and the movie pretty good. Let's all hear it for good fiction!
Well, just thought I would share my random deep thoughts for the night and to hopefully illustrate how books no matter how made-up, magical, or controversial can be a positive force in someone's spiritual journey.
That's all for now. I'm done here so...Mischief Managed!