Apr 04, 2006 22:00
alas, the marriage to Josh was cut short. *sniffs* ..lol...
I am SOO on a downloading soundtracks of fanmixes right now. lol.... currently listening to a Bellatrix L. fanmix. :
School is going to be crazy this quarter. Its only the second week and I am already behind where I want to be. le sigh
My car overheated and had to take to the dealer today. sucked but under warranty.
Bought Naria and two new knickers. :D ... Yes, of all the British terms. Knickers is the one I use on a daily basis. Seems more sexy than undies or panties. *smirk* And as some of you know, I have a HUGE knickersFetish. With some woman, they can't stop buying shoes. I can't stop buying knickers. lol...
okay, enough with Too Much Information. But ya'll know how I am. lol...
later... I am tired and heading to bed early tonight.