Jan 28, 2007 23:02
PresidentPandaX: Aright, so, it's like this.
PresidentPandaX: You're taking a walk, right?
PresidentPandaX: It's like, in the evening.
PresidentPandaX: Stay with me, this is epic.
Lauren924M: ok, but one question
Lauren924M: who is this again?
PresidentPandaX: And like, out of no where, this, I dunno, sentient teddy bear ambushes you,
PresidentPandaX: Hang tight.
PresidentPandaX: And he's like, "I have a riddle"
PresidentPandaX: And you're like, "Alright."
PresidentPandaX: And then... he just sits there.
PresidentPandaX: Then after like, an hour, he hands you a tire iron, and is like, "The fate of the world depends on it. You've got FIVE MINUTES."
PresidentPandaX: What would you do?
Lauren924M: i have no idea
Lauren924M: am i supposed to know
Lauren924M: ?
PresidentPandaX: I dunno, man.
PresidentPandaX: That's why I asked.
Lauren924M: ok
Lauren924M: well i'm sorry i can't help you...whoever you are
PresidentPandaX: Man.
PresidentPandaX: Okay, well, thanks anyway.