Jun 23, 2007 12:08
Harry could use more knowledge in the dark arts, but since he won't have time to study, he's just going to have to rely on Hermione and make do with what he's already learned.
To defeat thy enemy you must know thy enemy.
I'm thinking along the same lines here. I think it would be quite beneficial to Harry, to at least be more "aware" of different Dark Arts tactics, curses, potions or any other potential Dark Arts that could be used against them.. Not just the unforgivable curses. (I believe the Dark Arts is more than just three curses.) We are told that Voldemort took off for those ten years (after Hepzibah Smith and before comming back to ask DD if he can teach.) well, we are told that he went off .. traveled a lot and learned a lot about the Dark Arts... To me it sounded like he went someplace else to learn more about it since he could not learn it right here in this part of the world.... So what does this sound like?
I have mentioned once before, that I believe that Krum will come in to play here. In his school they are actually taught the Dark Arts, not just the defence against it. To be honest, it sounds like Krum is being taught both sides of the coin.... he has a better knowledge of the workings from both angles. Now to me, if a person doesn't know their enemy, then really how is a person to defend yourself about things that you don't know.... I mean you don't have to actually USE the dark arts but at least a knowledge of how it works, can be quite beneficial to know how to face it once it comes your way...
I'll give an example... The Inferi... they are created by Voldemort... Dumbledore knew enough about them and their nature to tell harry to use fire against them. But since Harry was not told this in class... Neither was he told this earlier in the book, when Harry talked with DD about them. But even moreso, would he have figured it out, on his own, that fire was their weakness? No. The only way he knew it was because DD told him about it when he knew they were going to have to face them while in the cave.
I think Krum will be able to arm Harry and friends with knowledge that Harry would never know about the dark arts and it's weakness in order for Harry to be able to face them better... he'd have a better fighting chance when the time comes.... [lol] And get this... this could really work out best for the trio, since Voldemort thinks he's the only one (and his followers that he's taught stuff to) that knows what he could use against the good side in a fight. He'll be surprised once Krum has enlightened the good side with knowledge.
So basically, learning the Dark Arts and learning about it are two different things. We have learned you don't have to use DA to fight against it.