Hello again world

Feb 21, 2008 22:51

It's been awhile since I last wrote. Not much has changed since the last post. I almost forgot about this was here ahah.

Well, to start off with some good stuff, I got a haircut today. I had to make it quick, I only had 30 minutes to get a hair cut so it had to be simple. Following Carrie's advice, I got it cut real short and I must say, it looks kind of nice. I can finally see out the corner of my eye again and the mulletness is gone. You should have seen the pile of hair that was left, you could have stuffed a bear with it! I've always liked myself with longer hair but this is looking pretty good too, I guess I can rock the long and short hair if I wanted too. The cut was even labeled as cute by someone too! :D That helps with my self esteem issues hehe.

Tuesday wasn't so good. I had to get my knee cracked at the hospital because my knee wasn't able to bend all the way by the time my doctor set. I had it done with my other leg 3 years ago so I thought it wasn't going to be bad at all, I was wrong. When my uncle and I got to the hospital, we went to the building where I usually get my surgical procedures done. But of course, it was the wrong building and we had to go 2 buildings down. When I got there, people kept on telling me, go to the next desk and the next desk until 10 minutes later I got to where I was suppose to be. There, I learned that there was a Ryan M Murray getting something done the same time I was and they thought I was him. I am NOT 17 I said, and they had to find my name in the system. Unfortunately I was no where to be found, so I had to wait till they got all my information for me to be let in and prepared. There, it took the nurse 4 tries to put my IV in. I passed out during the 3rd attempt, but awoke with the IV in my other hand. Then I had to wait for my name to be found in the system before I could get to the surgery room. Once in the room, the doctor asked me if it was the right knee or the left they would be working on. I was very ready to jump out of my bed and strangle him with my IV tube. After wakening up and taking inventory of my body parts to see if everything was where I left it, still thinking of what the other Ryan kid was getting, I didn't want to take any chance of me getting what he was getting done. The only good thing that came out of it was I got my morphine like medication. It helps so much with the knee pain.

I'm so glad that my knee is almost to 100%. I'm now up to the point where I can walk comfortably and I can do things for myself. Now I need to work on bending more and gaining my muscle I lost. It's still not going to be easy, but my friends have been so supportive, it's great having good friends who care.

The only other thing noteworthy that happened lately is that Valentines Day was last week. I bring it up because it is always not worthy to write down what bothers me for further reference down the road. Of course, Cupid is by far my least favorite of the Roman gods. That day always seems to help me remember all the times my heart has been shattered. And as I get older, it seems to happen more. I would make a line graph, but that would be to depressing. I'm at the point where I don't even care to pick up the pieces. It's going to be hard for me to trust someone that much as to be in a relationship again for a very long time. I guess I have my whole life to be in a relationship, but the loneliness gets to be too much sometimes. The concept of love and mutual respect are so skewed to me now, I don't really think they exist. Yet, I have good friends to fall back on. I'm so thankfully for them everyday. They are ever so helpfully and make me see I'm not so alone after all.

Well, thats pretty much been my life since the last post. Lots of knee exercise, a very little bit of school, and being called cute for the first time in what seems like forever lol. Today has been a good day. :D

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My song and a pic of my knee haircut
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