(no subject)

Dec 02, 2006 02:22

Now you've got me on a roll. I can be a pest, you know!

Lisa, The lyrics are behind the cut. I have toyed with this ditty for years. I am fairly happy with the lyrics, but every attempt to put it to a melody falls short.

1973 & 2006 Victor Reinhardt III

If today was a holiday, a holiday, a holiday.

If today was a holiday, I’ll tell you what I’d do.

I’d take you to the city zoo, and show you a kangaroo.

I’d show you lions and tigers, and a giant panda bear.

There are so very many things that you and I could share.

Like sunbeams dancing on a lake, and the shimmering dragonfly,

Resting on a lily pad, as a swan goes slowly by.

If today was a holiday, a holiday, a holiday.

If today was a holiday, I’d show you how I care.

I’d break into my piggy bank and take you to the fair.

I’d let you drive the scooter cars and ride the Ferris wheel,

And show you a man who swallows swords of shining steel

And motorcycle acrobats riding for their fans,

As they sit in close attention, watching from the stands.

And an Indian rubber man who like a pretzel stands.

Inst. Solo
First ending - return to %, repeat to here.

There are so very many things that we could enjoy today

I know that we’d have lots of fun, but it’s up to you to say.

(in child voice)
Oh, Mommy, do I really have to go to school today?

Back to current events:
Dorothy and I went to see our Cardiologist today. He is reasonably happy with the results of his exam. Our appointment was at 10:30 this morning.
When we first entered the waiting room, which is shared by 6 heart doctors, an older fellow sitting across from me spoke to a receptionist for one of the other doctors.

"Joanna, how long before my 9:30 appointment comes up?"

"I'll find out what's happening", she said.

"Don't make him mad, (sotto voice)He might pull the plug." said the first patient.

The same receptionist asked another patient for his birth date.

"June 13th, 1946" he said.

"You're just a youngster" said the first patient. "I've got socks older than you"

Dorothy and I were not the only ones struggling to keep it in. He was ushered in to see his doctor shortly after that.

Traveling down to San Jose for a 50th birthday party for one of the extended family members this weekend.

I'll check back in on Monday.
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