App to Cape and Cowl / 09/02/2009

Sep 02, 2009 00:52

NAME: Matt
JOURNAL: I don’t have a personal live journal… said so.
IM: trampled webs
E-MAIL: trampled

CHARACTER NAME: Luke Skywalker. No moniker unless Jedi Master works, but that’s a title… so no.
FANDOM: Star Wars
CHRONOLOGY: 46 aby (after battle of Yavin), also during the Fate of the Jedi series.

Luke Skywalker is that age old typical ‘born to a legendary father’ grew up a simple ‘farm boy’ with a bit ambitious heart type, but he’s also the epitome of that mold. Luke was born in the midst of a theatrical war, put on by one man for the sole purpose of rising to power and gaining the most powerful Jedi apprentice in the recorded history of the galaxy. This apprentice was once thought to be the savior, the chosen hero of the Jedi; a boy, who grew up a slave into the man everyone thought would bring salvation to the Jedi. He was literally a favorite son--then he fell. The Darkness overtook him, his heart too strong, his will too confused. He became a villain, and a beast. A monster really. This man, would seed two children, twins: Luke and Leia Skywalker. Luke’s destiny began when his father became Darth Vader.

Luke would spend 18 years of his life living the rural life on a remote Tatooine moisture farm. A planet deemed to be on the ‘side furthest of the bright side of the universe.’ Luke’s trial into the world of the Jedi began when he learned an old hermit, named Ben Kenobi, was once a Jedi Knight who served with Luke’s father Anakin, and was named Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke’s aunt and uncle were killed by the Empire just as Luke discovered more truth about Anakin Skywalker, and about the Jedi. It was then he decided to join Obi-Wan on a journey to rescue a young princess named Leia, from the vile clutches of a man named Darth Vader. Obi Wan would die, but Luke’s life would continue on with training from the grand master of the time of the rise of the Empire, Yoda. Luke learned from him, and went off to face Vader.

Luke eventually learned that Vader was actually his father, Anakin; and would then later learn that Leia was his sister. His life took on a whole new meaning then, he realized at that moment he needed to redeem his father--and he would. Bringing Anakin Skywalker back to the light to kill the Emperor and establish balance to the Force. Luke lost his father that day, but would learn from him the destructive nature of the Dark Side, and the power of the Light.

After Darth Vader fell to the tides of death, Luke Skywalker would go on to establish the New Jedi Order; first going out on his own, almost completely lost from the Rebellion, as he went about searching, hunting, and discovering many Jedi relics and secrets. Teaching himself the ways of the Force; even losing his connection with his former masters, and his father, during this time. Luke, unlike any Jedi before him, had a daunting task of rebuilding the Jedi for himself. He was the last one left. He knew nothing of the Old Republic's Jedi, of their order, he knew little to nothing about how they had operated; and so he learned what he could. He learned of the Force from witches on Dathomir who called themselves Nightsisters, Dark Side users; and their rivals, the Singing Mountain Clan, who used the Force to control animals. Beasts like Rancors. He learned these techniques from them, how to become natural with the Force. It was here he discovered a once floating academy lead by Master Yoda himself; whose databanks and files helped Luke to begin learning more of the Force as youngsters might.

It was, by anyone's standards, a frustrating job of his. Yet he met it in stride. During these dark times, Luke would run into the Emperor a second time; the Emperor having transferred his Force presence into one of his clones, and creating a massive Imperial fleet lead by a planet destroying Star Destroyer called "The Eclipse." It was during this time, in an effort to get close to the Emperor and defeat him; Luke would fall to the Dark Side, and eventually became the Emperor's apprentice. It would take Leia's great strength, and love for her brother, to pull him back from the Darkness and together, they would destroy the Emperor, once and for all, and The Eclipse Star Destroyer as well. During this time, Luke learned much in the ways of the Force; though much of it was Dark, he learned how to tap into it more, how to feel it, how to strengthen himself in it.

Further, he learned the Dark Sider's weaknesses, he'd eventually learn how to use the Light to battle against the Dark Side of the Force. How to counter the lightning that had nearly killed him in his first encounter with the Emperor.

Luke eventually would learn enough to begin to feel other Force sensitives, and upon doing so; he'd set up the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV, using the great Massassi Temple--the same place used to launch an attack on the first Death Star--as the new Jedi Temple and Academy. He'd bring in his first class of students, including his sister to a degree, and would begin to teach them himself in the ways of the Force. This first class would eventually become The Jedi Council of Luke's new order. Many who were trained by Luke, were as old as Luke, or a bit younger but not by much. So it was quite the daunting task to get their stubborn minds to meld to all of this. During his time in training them, the Praxeum would come under attack by The Empire; here Luke and a handful of his students, were able to use the power of the Force to take a Star Destroyer and hurl it into the gas giant Yavin. Saving both Yavin IV, the Praxeum, themselves, and The New Republic. His earliest students included Kyp Durron, Kam Solasar, Leia Organa Solo (who would eventually leave to play Chief of State and return many years later as a student), and others.

Luke would overcome one of his students, Kyp, who was possessed by the Dark Lord Exar Kun--an ancient Sith Lord who based himself on Yavin IV and had enslaved the Massassi people. In so doing, he'd help Kyp destroy the Sun Crusher; which as a super weapon capable of destroying entire Star systems by causing the star there to go Nova. The Sun Crusher was literally indestructable, and it took Luke's great power to force it into the Black Hole cluster called The Maw.

During much of these trials, Luke would be hunted by a woman who called herself The Emperor's Hand; her name was Mara Jade Skywalker, and she was a personal Dark Jedi assassin of The Emperor, and now worked for Talon Karrde. She was eventually forced to ally herself with Luke when Karrde aligned himself with The New Republic, and when Luke and Mara encountered one of the Emperor's clone factories. During these journies, Luke and Mara soon became friends, her learning from him the ways of the Light Side, and eventually they fell in love. And would marry, with her becoming a member of his Jedi Council.

Luke's greatest trial as Jedi Grand Master would come with the invasion of an intra-galactic race calling themselves the Yuuzhang Vong. A destrcutive force, haters of all things technology, and builders of massive, organic and biological weapons and ships. They were dead to the Force, undetecable by the Jedi, and impervious to all things other than the Physical Force; which Jedi would not use against their foes, save in defense or in lightsaber combat. The Vong nearly wiped out all of the Galaxy, eventually taking over Coruscant; leaving the Jedi nearly in ruins, before Luke was able to infiltrate their headquarters, and bring about the end of their supreme commander, and the Vong threat once and for all. During this crisis, Luke's nephew Anakin Solo was killed on a mission Luke approved, making him feel guilty for some time, and it was during this time when Luke knighted the next generation of Jedi. Including Anakin, Jaina, and Jacen Solo. It was also during this time, that Luke and Mara would have a son, named Ben after Luke's mentor Obi-Wan who also went by Ben Kenobi.

Following the Vong crisis, Luke's nephew Jacen Solo would eventually fall to the Dark Side, learning some dark and odd techniques in the Force making him easily the most gifted Jedi in history. He'd eventually give into the Sith, hoping to bring about Order to the Galaxy, and Luke would have to use all of his talents to trick his nephew, now Darth Caedus, and weaken him enough to allow Jacen's sister, Luke's niece, Jaina Solo to defeat and kill the mass murderer. Ben during this time had nearly become Jacen's willing apprentice, until he learned of the darkness Jacen was falling into and allowing himself to be. The final straw was when Jacen Solo killed Mara Jade, Luke's wife and Ben's mother.

With the fall of Caedus and his short-lived Empire, came a new regime change in the Republic; an old foe of the Jedi and the Rebellion, a former Admiral of the Empire--Daala. And she'd put the blame of the recent war squarely on the Jedi and, eventually, Luke's shoulders. Luke, at this time, would become exiled from the very Republic he'd created, rescued, saved, and constructed from the very beginning until this point. In punishment for his nephew's fall to the Dark Side of the Force. Ben would join Luke in exile, and they'd begin a journey to learn how Jacen had fallen to the Dark Side of the Force... and this is where Luke would be this storyline.

Luke Skywalker has always been rather rebellious, quite ambitious, and deeply caring. He’s the kind of figure that at one point was utterly impatient, wanting to take on the whole Empire himself; save the Galaxy with one swift swing of his blade, but ambitiously searched out the trials of the Jedi which would eventually lead him to be the grand master he is today. Patience is now his greatest virtue of Luke Skywalker. Still rebellious, he thinks threw his actions and draws them to him. His goals once were to destroy the Empire, now they are to hold strong virtues; keep the peace, and learn the ways of the Force and establish a powerful new order of Jedi that can hold justice and peace in the Galaxy. He’s benevolent, wise, and still cares deeper than anyone in the Galaxy might believe possible.

Luke's impossibly irritating as well, while not smug, he's also quite incapable of just 'letting things go'. He's not shy in letting people know how he feels, how he thinks should play out, and offering up his own advice in many instances. He's a leader by any means, or imagination. He's confident too, always willing to put himself in the front lines because he believes he would be the best option in a particular situation. This is also in accountance with his bravery. As stated before Luke's watched, witnessed, and been part of every war since the Galactic Civil War. His entire life has been war it would seem, and because of this Luke has often times thrown himself into battle without worry. While he strives for peace, equality, and so many of the things the Rebellion really stood for; Luke isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. He knows how to fight, and he's a fierce warrior. Taking out the strongest of the Dark Jedi, and Bounty Hunters the Galaxy has to offer. He's innovative, creative, and a bit of a snarky smartass at times. While not as sarcastic as say, Han Solo; Luke's witty humor, and quiet need to still be part of a world outside of the Temple, often times gets him odd looks as the Jedi Grand Master. Yet no one would dare question his serious nature when it comes to both family, friends, his Jedi, and the Republic. Or, above all, the Light Side of the Force and Justice and Peace.

Luke's stubborn as well, very unwilling to back down from things he views as wrong, even if it goes against the Republic he created, or his family, or friends; even against his own Council. During the Vong war, many of the council wanted a more aggressive approach to the Vong, yet Luke wouldn't allow it. Feeling that any fall to the Dark Side of the Force during such a horrendous war would ultimately doom the Galaxy into a darkness not even the Jedi could pull it from.

It's also important to note that Luke is rather drained, and hardened due to all the loss he's seen, and felt. At this moment in his life, Luke often finds himself confused and quiet with Mara's loss, meditating in order to bring peace to himself; though he's quietly pulling himself out of this, and putting himself on the path of bringing the Jedi back in order. Yet Luke now feels distraught, and drained from so much war, and now the burden of all these wars on his own shoulders. Yet he still stands strong, benevolent, large in the Light and a beacon of hope to any who know what Luke Skywalker really is.

Gentle, kind, loving, caring, courageous, exhausted, quiet, mournful, and above all, strong; would be the words to describe Luke Skywalker.

CLASS: Hero.
SUPERHERO NAME: Luke’s not much of the secret identity type, but he might end up calling himself “Red Five” but it probably won’t stick.
ALTER EGO: Luke Skywalker of course! He’d probably be a professor of some horticulture or weird crap. … That’s not a PHD, hmm. Professor of Philosophy.
POWER: > Uh… okay. Well let’s go with this. It’s The Force, you knew that though. The Force as a power is the ability to be in touch with the world around you; mentally, physically, supernaturally, emotionally, and spiritually. It grants the abilities of telepathy, telekenesis, energy manipulation, advanced physical attributes (jumping, running, etc..), increased stamina, increased healing, with all of these having subtexts of one another. Telepathy being the key one, where as the ability to manipulate minds, or create imagery. There are other aspects, like lightning and more destructive forces (but Luke wouldn’t use those.).


Where am I? Why am I in this place? I’ve seen some of the strangest and most amazing things physics would otherwise deny; yet in some strange way, and in no small way for that matter, here I stand in a different -reality- something that entirely disrupts even the depths of my understandings.

I can only imagine Han’s look when I tell him I’ve arrived in an entirely new reality, he’d probably say something along the lines ‘you’ve been living in another reality since you met that crazy old man’, but for once I would almost believe his… well, non-believing nature.

It is what it is however, and I must make the best of it, I suppose I’d be at first obliged to introduce myself as Luke Skywalker, and hope that might get me somewhere. If not? Improvise… though at my age that might be getting a bit old.


Smiling as he made his way quietly amongst the rows of students, Luke silently nodded to himself; watching the students begin their morning exercises without even a sense of complaint. He loved the serenity he felt in the air, the peaceful energy that drew against the Force like a warming stream in the midst of a calm mountain scene. Yet what was there to know about this moment? What danger could lurk under these currents? They were compliant of course; these young students, yet was compliance out of respect or fear? Respect was something garnered through treating your students right, letting them feel how valuable they were, but at the same time allowing them the humility of knowing pride was inglorious. Yet fear was something only a member of the Dark Side would strive for. He often times wondered if perhaps he was too unfair to them? Was he too strong?

It was never an easy task, molding young minds into a power meld that could destroy an entire star system, or heal the minds of so many sick souls; it was a great power, one that shouldn’t be trusted with just anyone, and it wasn’t exactly something Luke took lightly. He often times questioned himself, his motives in these moments. So many peaceful, innocent, dreaming faces. All of which could grow up to be the next generation of Jedi Knights, and prove to be guardians of the Republic, keepers of the peace, but would that power go to their heads? Like it had Jacen? Or even his own father, Anakin. Luke wanted nothing more than to see the Jedi rise again, yet with them came enemies--was it unfair to take these young children, and put them on the hardest trials, against the toughest foes, and expect them to be relaxed, calm, and pacified through it all? He felt the cold steel of the robotics in his hand, he felt the clip of his light saber against his hip; he could feel the pang of the loss of Mara Jade, and the loss of Jacen to the Dark Side, and he was all too easily reminded of the dangers Jedi in this world faced. Yet without them, the Empire could rise again. It was a necessary risk to be taken to preserve peace amongst his stu--

And there it was, the blabbering mouth of Threepio. Patience Luke, patience. Luke turned towards the golden droid and smiled, his head bowing some, “Hello Threepio.”
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