(no subject)

Nov 14, 2008 11:06

Nobody satisfies me like her. Men usually do things that make me see them as unsexy and want to do someone else. I actually don't want to fuck other people because I worry that it will just be a disappointment compared to her.

She has never been a fan of relationships and typically has been cynical about them. That changed when she met me. She used to make fun of the people that talk to their significant other everyday or who say "I love you" all the time and now she's that person. She never enjoyed making out or snuggling before me. She used to mock people who do dinner and a movie and yet she likes it when we do that. Sometimes we spend the whole day either snuggling or having sex and not doing much else. She told me, "I've never been so happy doing nothing with someone before." She used to be known for how active she was and for how off the wall her activities were. She used to drink a lot and now she is drinking far less. She used to be a slut and now she's excited about coupledom. Her friends look at her and go, "Who are you?" She told me I make her feel so loved. She's told me she's never felt so free sexually - that she doesn't feel worried about how I'll react to what she says or does. As for me I have never felt so close to a person before. I thought story book romances were fake before.

A part of me wonders if this sounds safe. Is this heathy? Should I let myself love this much? Is it okay to trust her this much?
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