bring back the regular old horse quiz man

Jun 27, 2007 08:37

a suprising amount has happened in 4 days. went out on Fri evening for a few drink with Sam, Lucy and rach and it turned it out to be quite nice chilled eve and felt i bonded a bit more with Rach over hot guys, Big Brother and Hollyoaks. si it was quite a good night and good to get out of the house.

Saturday morning my dust allergy/ hayfever was playing up so thought i'd have a major spring clean - not the wisest of ideas as i became very bunged up and my eyes went all dry and itchy but at least i feel i do my bit to keep the palce tidy and it will keep the dust levels down if i do everyday small clean ups. then figuredi'd get 'a few bits' from Morrison - well making a list was the first mistake and then getting a troley was the second - i ended up spending a fortune and with bags so heavy i couldn't caryy them more that a couple of meters without having to stop cos of the pain. Lucky i was able to get the bus most of the way home but even from the bust stop the walk was absoulte agony and i'm sure i've pulled a couple of muscles. Saturday evening was spent watching the new Fantastic 4 film - which was pretty good - the plot wasn't anything spectacular but there where some good one liners and the scene where human torch comes out of the shower made it worth the money lol.

Sunday was one of those days where i jst wanted to mooch arpund in comfy clothes and not really leave the house but i had made plans so had to. went to Firebug to meet David and it was rather empty but did mean we got the pick of the seats and there ar eloads of comfy old leather sofas to sit in. so whiled away the afternoon chatting to David and sorting out stuff. then flopped in front of the TV and watched Dr Who - wow its so great i really hope David Tennant isn't leaving he really makes it worth watching.

and then yesterday walked up to the horse early to meet Clarie fo tea and a catch up which was good, but ehn when everyone else arrived i couldn't help feel we got a bit pushed out - of the table we had got there early to reserve! moreover was really miffed when they all buggered off to play pool without even saying goodbye - so took a stand and said to Sam when we left that there was not point saying bye to them cos they had been rude. overall the quiz wasn't very successful with only 19/36 and the guy doing the quiz was different from normal and was rubbish at it so here's hoping the regular guyis back soon. anywho back to work i guess - seein as i'm only in from half a day i shouldn't really be slacking already.
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