Jun 18, 2007 13:50
This weekend was one of the most random weekends of my life. I hung out with people i never have before, went to three graduation parties within about a hour, jumped on teh trampoline really late at night, and studied vocab in my tree house with my mom. This weekend was so nice and differnt and unexpected that i am even more excited for summer. I can't wait to swim, and surf, and go on cruises, and party with logan in disney, and eat a lot, and get tan.... maybe, and swim in baby pools, and sleep in my tree house, and bake a lot of summery treats, and ride my bike everywhere, and not study for finals, and go down the shore, and walk the boardwalk, and eat lots and lots of ice cream and water ice, and maybe even im excited for bug bites. Anyway i'm really planning on getting through these next two days and then just having fun and not worrying about anything. I have a really bad headache and i need to study for finals so i guess i should probably go. Peace.
ps. elyse, josh, and dan: i changed it to thursday night not wednesday.