Oct 10, 2012 04:09

It's 2012. Once a year? Is that cool, ya'll? What to say. I choose to make these posts way too late at night when I have work in the morning. Story. Of. My. Life. Like, literally. A theme in every online journal I've ever kept. I don't even care!!! LIVIN' LA VIDA LOCA, AM I RIGHT?!

So, I've been dating this guy for two years. I know. It's weird. I feel weird about it. I mean, good too obviously, but also the other. It has been long distance the entire time, which seems to be my jam? Considering three of the last three really major crushes/relationships I've had in this decade were not local- England, New York, Texas. What about Maryland, Lauren? Why not there? I'll tell you why. Every boy I've dated here is a fucking idiot. That is why.

But in any case, this relationship situation will become not-long-distance in April, unless you know, it doesn't, in which case I'll be single again, which I kinda still am in terms of my day to day reality. I really don't actually know if I believe in this kind of thing working out. Y'know. Longterm committed relationships as a life path for me. Not even because I'm interested in having a maximum amount of romantic attachments, but just because I kinda like doing my thing solo. Is that strange? Any of you ladies feeling this? I am me! Not part of a dumb couple. Ew. Gross. That being said... I guess I'm doing this thing despite these feelings? He's a really funny person, who's basically a kinder person than I could ever be, and continually extends this quality to me no matter what I say or don't say, do or don't do. He waited for me to get my act together for a good long minute, and acted like he didn't even mind when I knew it was actually pretty hard on him. I wish I trusted the whole institution of relationships more, but considering my source material I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that my skepticism runs deep.

But in any case, that goes on in the background and foreground of my life. I moved out of beautiful D.C. to the remote location of Ashton MD, which is a stone's throw away from my old stomping grounds. I live with my best friend, and another friend, and THAT friend's best friend. I used to live with a gentlemen roommate who recently moved out, and he is one of most fantastic people I've ever had the pleasure of living with, so of course I miss his crazy antics and stories and What Would Elvis Do? tattoo like burning. Also the Carpe Deez Nutz tattoo. But we shall co-habitat again someday! I also live/lived with three dogs, and THAT. WAS. CRAZY. Jesus H was it intense. A tiny, ridiculous looking pug named Roxy (her tongue is ALWAYS OUT. IT NEVER STOPS!!) a big black jackal/wolf named Runa, and a pitbull named Cadillac. I can't claim I'm a dog person yet, but I've definitely warmed up to the experience a lot.

Our house is an old farmhouse built by a quaker man around the time of the civil war. There are weird secret rooms in our attic and there is a very real possibility the underground railroad came through here. I am scared of the ghosts that would hang out at this joint. While here, I have conquered my fear of spiders enough to stomp them, successfully grown herbs, changed a tire, killed a mouse with the blunt side of an axe (then cried about it afterwards), burned down a giant wicker man, gotten so. very. drunk., had a hawk drop a dead headless mammal on my moving car, had mushrooms grow out of our floor, have redefined my overall standards for living, baked a whole fuckton, embraced 7-11. I'm basically a badass now out of necessity. You definitely want this girl on your zombie apocalypse team now, lemme just say.

Other than those things, I don't know where I am in my life, or where I'm going. 30 is a bearing overhead and it's going to get here someday in the next three years, and I can't necessarily say I'm where I thought I'd be, BUT. This place isn't so bad either, and really, did I think my life was going to be normal at all? Foolish mortal.

That's all I got, my friends. I miss you all and love you, and hope that nothing but good times are in your life. ;)
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