a matter of time, it seems

Mar 06, 2016 00:00

quality Vivienne time

So now at least I know she doesn't hate my guts, she just has separation anxiety around her parents. The screaming was kept to a minimum, and my nerves didn't make me vibrate from my root chakra.

There's already a Wii in the study, and my brother brought his Xbox. Did she want to play any games? Of course not.

She found the fish tank and spent most of the night staring at all the fish, sometimes with a flashlight. Then she wanted to go out in the dark and look at the flowers in the yard.

Finally, five minutes before her dad got back, she wanted to play Minecraft. I didn't even have time to figure out how to turn the console on and find the input settings on the TV.

I've felt slightly better about myself for the past few days as a result. She's too adorable to hate on for long. I just hope she outgrows the separation anxiety once and for all.

photography, family, mental_health, vivienne

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