Oh, the joys of Virgo…

Jul 08, 2008 15:23

Week of 10 July 2008:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In Terry Pratchett’s book Wyrd Sisters, there's a passage in which he talks about how the sun conspires with the forest to pump millions of gallons of sap hundreds of feet from the ground up into the sky.  And it all happens “in one great systolic thump too big and loud to be heard.”  That’s the kind of activity I recommend for you in the coming weeks, Virgo.  Collaborate with the source of all life - the physical sun, if that's your preference, or God or Goddess, if that works better for you - to pull off a huge movement of lifeblood that brings sustenance from below to above.
Thanks so much, Mr. Brezsny.



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