day late dollar short

Dec 22, 2006 20:42

Yes, well.

I'm weeks behind on a season I was so terrifically excited about, but never fear, the dance reviewers are still suitably underwhelmed by the robots that are now populating the Ailey company this season.

All that aside, I'm still excited about the kids taking on Tharp.

(L-R) Dwana Adiaha Smallwood, Matthew Rushing, Rosalyn Deshauteurs,
Malik Le Nost, Wendy White Sasser and Antonio Douthit
(And yes, I'm a cheap bitch with this picture, but the Times gave me nothing.)
However, I didn't quite expect that they were going to use the exact same costumes as Tharp used when she last staged The Catherine Wheel sometime in the early eighties.  The only things missing were the headbands and the men's chest hair.

dance, performing_arts

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