The Newest New

May 04, 2010 22:40

Conventional wisdom suggests that the Democrats are going to be whupped in this year's election, turning the Congress over to a radicalized GOP and their teabagger overlords.

I'm beginning to believe that may be overstating things. The teabagger fury is playing itself out, and may not have enough oomph to get to November. Besides some pretty crazy crises that suggest stronger government may be the answer (i.e. to counteract the polluting and lying corporations) there are two things that lead me to this belief.

First, after the terrorist school drop-out was thwarted in turning Times Square into a smoking wasteland, Mayor Bloomberg suggested that we'd find out the bomber was somebody that is deranged or angry at the government. Not only did his prediction turn out to be incorrect, it wasn't met with a batted eyelash from anyone in the media. Teabaggers are the next smokers, looked upon as a public scourge to be shunned.

Second, this new Macy Gray song has been cropping up recently. I'm pretty sure we're going to be stuck with it all summer, so get used to hearing it at Starbucks and in waiting rooms. It's one of those gleaming beams of positive feeling that's just enough on this side of listenable to be a bulwark to nattering negativity of the teabaggers.

image Click to view

So, popular music as a barometer of political feeling? Hell, that's as good a predictor as any.
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