Jun 11, 2009 03:28
"The one word of Love."
I look into the abode of your soul,
beyond the emotion of your sad eyes,
Immense pain has left your life a great hole,
I'm the first to feel the pain of your cries,
Your soul speaks of its death from a great storm
Devastation shown from all the tears cried,
To your heart no love has ever conform;
Loveless, alone until the time you died.
Still yet even now your heart searches mine,
A spark left of hope, grace sublimely known
searching for the compassion pure and fine:
A heart still searching for true love to own.
You move my heart to stir with holy fire,
Rooted in the truth that you believe:
Great Love divine beyond all desire;
Fruition of hope on this hallow'd eve.
My arms open and you worry no more,
The free flowing love makes you ever strong;
Head on my chest to wait for what's in store,
Loving grace abounds to right every wrong.
You listen to know my heart beats your name,
And you cling to me ever more secure,
The love you feel from me will never tame,
Cease not to know your heart I will procure,
There's no need to say your apology,
Because all the pain felt is gone away;
God's grace is your one true doxology:
Your heart's resident mine always to stay.
I look into your soft eyes once again,
Listening intently to what was said,
I know this is not a heart's trick or feign,
The words spoken here are not of your head.
And I see the reflection of the skies,
Unrestrained consolation to ensure,
Beautiful majesty within your eyes,
Residing within a spirit so pure.
You breathe into me your spirit of love,
And we experience the joyous peace,
Divinely given grace, gift from above,
Whose eternal blessings will never cease.
Tears profusely, gently stream from my eyes,
From joy, happiness, and peace that we share,
Your pain was suffering; yet it all dies:
Proven grace defeats adversity's snare.
Just truth has given way to grace so true,
Our spirits lift to supreme elation,
Clouds of the storm now give rise to skies blue:
Our hearts' united reverberation
I humbly receive the song of your lips
The most beautiful melody ever heard
Oh how past evil will surely eclipse
Thus, all true life culminates with one word.
--Matthew Blackmon June 11, 2009