Sep 04, 2006 20:02
today, instead of "all my children" hannah and i watched a documentary on pbs called "septembers children." i want to get the video of it and watch it again, and again.
it parallelled the lives of the children effected by 911 in NY and other terrorist acts in Afghanistan. while my heart bled i was simultaneously enlivened. mine are the hands and feet of Christ - how often i forget they are his - and i want to use them to love and serve children and families like these.
it is things like this that make becoming a nun seem like a plausible and sensible thing, not just a joke to throw around when i'm feeling whimsical, or escapist. as such one would be available to be sent out wherever the need arises. it would be your job to pray and meditate and work; to act and react to needs in the community and around the world. i don't know, it just doesn't sound like such a bad thing. but, i have ten months to live through before i can make anymore major commitments.
i have felt, in the last couple of days, the great burden of consequences. even things that the world would brush over in the blink of an eye can weigh long and heavy on the heart; they continue to effect relationships and feelings and thoughts for years, maybe forever. the realization is a sad one but with it comes joy. how great and necessary a thing forgiveness is. what a blessing it is to be shown mercy. i have some friends to whom i owe a very great debt because of the forgiveness they've shown me. i have some friends to whom i owe an apology because of the lack of mercy i have shown them. i have a life to relinquish to my savior and friend and the lover of my soul. hallelujah, amen.