Title: One Cool Cookie.
gilpin25Format: One-shot
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 for innuendo, swearing and sexual references. Occasionally all three in the same sentence. ;)
Word Count: 9959
Summary: Sometimes all it takes is a visit from a passing Dragon Keeper to bring to the surface things that were so well hidden people didn't even know they were
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Especially as it would never have entered my head to write Charlie and Remus competing for Tonks - I've enjoyed stories where people have written Mr Weasley a lot, but I've never thought that much about him myself. So I was a bit "Er..." at first, because I didn't really want to make him some kind of Sex God (as we all know that's Remus;)), but obviously he had to be a threat to him and attractive to Tonks, although possibly not for the reasons Remus fears. Which brought me round to the "Tonks deserves someone young and whole" remark in HBP; Sirius actually says what this Charlie is, not too subtle, not too bright, but a decent guy who is lots of fun, and yet Remus can't stand the sight of her with him. Obviously if it had only happened exactly like this, then HBP could easily have been avoided, lol.
Anyway all that to say, I am so glad you enjoyed it. I was a bit dubious about doing different POV again after We Three Kings, but it seemed an ideal way of having a narrator who alternates between thinking it's all a laugh and being very much involved, to showing how deep the other two were in, even though one was denying it and one was a bit slow to catch on! I'm really pleased you liked the "It's fantastic to be me..." line because that was to try and tie in with the idea that everyone thinks Tonks deserves Remus, especially her. And, yes, I think that's exactly how you do feel when you are in love, like you're The Chosen One! ;)
As I've said before, I really ought to thank you because this was just such fun to write from start to finish, and I would never have thought of it without the request. That final R/T scene I wrote on a scrap of paper and never changed a word when I typed it up, which is almost unheard of, so I'm especially pleased you liked that part. Well, very pleased you liked it all. :)
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