Project tonight. Let's discuss.
WHAT. I kind of thought they'd do that and have a mini walk-off after everyone's made their collections, but COME. ON.
Really? Jerell won? Seriously? That dress was heinously unfinished. And that somehow won over Leanne's gown? Really?
And Korto got dinged? AND KENLEY'S STILL HERE?!
Good god.
I swear, if Kenley goes to Bryant Park instead of Leanne or Korto, I am just giving up.
She's such a bitch. This was the second time she back-talked Heidi AND the judges and they were all so obviously sick of her. Heidi totally hates her and SO DO I. God. I hate that she says the other designers are crap, I hate that she said her stuff is unexpected. I mean, look. I like her stuff. It's 50s and cute and retro. But by it being 50s and retro, it has been done before and is NOT unexpected.
She makes me so unhappy. HER DRESS WAS NOT THAT GREAT. It was kinda meh. JUST KICK HER THE HELL OFF.
And seriously, Jerell? Really? He did not deserve to win.