May 01, 2006 02:27
The gaze of the All-Seeing Eye pierces the concealing shroud draped over it and perceives all. It is forever watchful, vigilant, observant, unforgiving. The gaze of the All-Seeing Eye sees more than one would be led to believe. Erroneous pretenses are cast aside effortlessly, as such cajolery is hollow in comparison to the substance of integrity.
The All-Seeing Eye is the Son of Suffering. It bides its time expecting for the shroud to be lifted, since it has no hands with which to lift the covering itself. It can only see, watch, observe. It becomes restless, glances all about and sees more, understands more. It turns violently in its cage and feels the sting of the dirt that lines the cage. It writhes by blinking faster, trying to expel the contamination. The tears burn and blur. The distortion contorts the figures it sees into amorphous patches that move awkwardly and blend together. The gaze of the All-Seeing Eye perceives all. It cannot be deceived. It bangs against the cage door. It bangs repeatedly, the sound reverberating in the empty hallways as the shroud shakes slightly.
The cage will never fall over. The eye will never be free. It is the Son of Suffering. It can only watch, observe, wait. It is the chronicler of the shortcomings of its subjects; it is the receptacle of the ill will of the world. The All-Seeing eye is red and teary. It doesn't want to see anymore.