That's What Littler Sisters Are For

Apr 28, 2011 10:22

Roger v7.4 and Katie do something that I never taught them to do but they picked it up from one another; when they see something they want they ask Santa for it out loud. I notice it most when they are watching TV and a commercial comes on and one of them will go “I want that Santa”, and then continue watching in silence. Sometimes when we are in the toy aisle at Target I’ll hear Roger whisper “I want that Santa” as he crouches in front of some toy. It’s cute but already it has caused some slight consternation as we find out that that one of them was asking Santa for something totally within our means to obtain and we were clueless about it because of their penchant of entreating Santa spontaneously and personally.

The kids were catching some cartoon this morning while I finished getting ready and out the door. Roger was on the floor and Katie was behind him on the couch. A commercial for some Pillow Pet knockoff came on the screen; real baby stuff. Katie said in an even tone of voice and quite seriously:

“Roger wants that Santa.”
Roger Sighed, “No I don’t Santa.”
“Oh yes he does Santa.”
Roger whipped around, “Katie!”
“Roger needs it for Nap time Santa!” At this time I come in and Katie has a half smile and is not even paying attention to the boy who is getting worked up.
“What kind do you think you want Roger? I think you like the cow.”
Roger tries ignoring her. That’s when I pile on.
“Hey, you want one of those for nap time? You want it for nap time in school?”
“We don’t even have nap time! I don’t want one!”
Katie holds out her hand and I slap her five.

Katie has a way of needling people, her brother especially; she kind of makes it an art form. It comes out of nowhere and she is subtle like a ninja. She knows the name of his girl friends and uses that knowledge like a sharp knife. But she never goes too far. Only once did she strike in public…on the school bus…and I had a talk with her about the difference between having fun together and making fun in front of others. When the realization of what she did set in she was crushed and I don’t think there was a repeat.

When we had the conference with Katie’s teacher, she mentioned that Katie talks about Roger all the time in a positive way. She told us how when she gets to school, Roger’s class is usually at recess and Katie can see him through the window. “There’s my Roger” she says and goes back to work.
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