Blues in the blue room (open)

Aug 07, 2006 03:16

She was somewhere in Coney, she didn't really know where or care for that matter, she was just somewhere that was dark and moody. The room was dimly lit and people sat around on tables or stools drinking. Some were alone, some were in couples, but all of them seemed to want to escape to a darker place away from the brightness of the beach and fair and all the events of the summer.

The goddess sat on a stool on a small stage, a soft blue spotlight gave her a sad eerie glow. Behind her was a small band consisting of a piano, a guitar and a small drum kit. Music began to fill the room and Iris brought the mic up to her lips and began to sing softly. This was a side few saw, she never really got up there and sang or performed for anyone, but there were time in her life that she found this was her only way of letting out the way she felt.

Her voice was soft, sweet, yet filled with deep emotions, mostly sadness and loneliness. Everyone in the bar seemed to fall silent as she began to sing, all turning to watch the beautiful woman who was pouring her heart into her voice.

iris, bar

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