In the Torture Chamber (Closed)

Jul 05, 2006 13:10

Continued from Here Warning This post is cut due to the elements of torture that may be unnerving to some.

Snake sat in the metal chair not giving them the satisfaction of seeing his fear of what was to come. His wrists burned non-stop now from the electrodes. Even when they were removed the pain ached dull under the red circles of flesh they left behind. This was session three and he still had not divulged the information they sought. The shrink threatened him with death. It was obvious to Plissken that the men of the USPF neglected to listen to the rumors, “Hey, you’re Snake Plissken. I heard you were dead.” It was the truth Snake had been dead, almost dead; so many times he had lost count long before he abandoned the military. What was one more death threat or death for that matter?

“Good Morning Mr. Plissken.”

Snake frowned, a deep hate-filled scowl. “The name is Snake.” He hissed at the torturer who they called a doctor.

“That’s not what my records say. S.D. Plissken. Tell me what does S.D. stand for?”

Plissken’s face set in defiance as he remained silent.

“You do remember what happens when you don’t answer the questions?”

Reflexively he clenched his teeth behind that nasty scowl waiting for the burning jolt from the pads on his wrists and neck. They didn’t come instead it was another question from the bastard behind the desk.

“That one can wait. Tell me who she is. It looks like you two know each other well. Who is she Plissken?”

Snake stared directly at the picture of him and Xena during Christmas dinner. He knew that moment, the smile on her face. Snake had just put the engagement ring on her finger when that picture was taken. Snake glared directly into the doctor’s eyes with a malicious hatred so intense Plissken saw the man shudder.

“Very well.”

This time the burning hot electricity hit but Snake remained stoic except for the twitching behind his patch. He couldn’t stop the spasms in his eye but he would give them nothing more, not so much as a blink of his steel, cold eye.

The doctor laid the picture on the table before Plissken and waited. Snake remained silent. He could be silent forever if he had to.

“I would hate to send you back down to the boys. All you have to do is answer one of the questions. Answer none of them and tomorrow you won’t be walking into this room.”

Snake knew they meant to beat him again and he doubted answering anything would prevent it. He steeled himself against what was to come.

“It’s a shame you can’t learn to work with us.”

Plissken watched his finger depress the button and fought the blackness from the full arch of the chair he was strapped in. No man could fight it for long and Snake’s world trailed into blackness.


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