(no subject)

Jul 02, 2006 02:39

She was shaking and huddled in a corner, the voices wouldn’t go away, and they wouldn’t leave her. She couldn’t help but be scared, these things she was hearing worried her deeply. She couldn’t stop shaking, eyes fixed on the wall, fingers twisted through her hair, fear etched on her face.

She was losing herself wasn’t she, she was what Simon thought, and she was broken. Lost little girl in a big bad world. Different people, different places, but there were still evils out there, still places people could get hurt, still people to hurt you. So many secrets circling around in her mind, so many loud voices and they seemed to get louder now. It was almost consuming.

They say in space that no-one can hear you scream, it’s true, and you can’t hear that many thoughts. Here in New York she could and they were getting louder. She wished she could stop feeling this way, wished she could stop the voices or at least quieten them down.

She felt like she was losing her mind, why wouldn’t they go away, why wouldn’t they leave her alone.

Why couldn’t she make them stop?


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