The time has come (Azi/Snake/Swan/Open)

Jun 10, 2006 17:33

Continued from here and to be used as the rescue threadHis eyes glowed softly against the dim flames of the fire that flickered before him, he watched Nagini curled up by the hearth. The flames flickered and a smile fell on his lips, the witch had gotten through, very good ( Read more... )

hermione, kidnapping, snake, aggie, azi, voldemort, swan

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_call_me_snake_ June 17 2006, 16:56:18 UTC
Snake drove past the place casually looking over the building casually from the street without slowing. He pulled the humvee to an alley a block away and looked at his passangers. Snake was ready for war. he was always ready for war. He climbed out with determination locking the door behind him.

He jacked the slide on the AK-47 he pulled from the back. how we taking this place?


east_gate_angel June 17 2006, 17:05:58 UTC
Azi climbled out tof the vehicle and looked around. he could eel Hermione, in his heart, in his head, in his soul. He would find her. Nothing would stop him.

He double checked his dagger and sword were in pplace. he was ready. Ready t fight for his love.


prof_leigh June 17 2006, 17:15:34 UTC
She followed out after Azi, her eyes took in the state of the building and as she stepped forward she stopped and frowned, 'they know we are here, we just set off a ward alarm.'

HEr eyes went to Azi and then to Snake and finally Swan, 'So, do we split up and find them or stick together?'


warriors_swan June 17 2006, 17:20:52 UTC
Swan stood looking at the building.

Maybe we should. Swan looked at Snake and worried what was going to happen when he got in there angry.


_call_me_snake_ June 17 2006, 17:22:23 UTC
Snake nodded. We should send some after the girls. I'd like to walk right in the front door like I own the damned place. Nothing like a big fuck you.


east_gate_angel June 17 2006, 19:07:16 UTC
Azi's hand wrapped around the hilt of ihs sword. "We can't go in there half cocked, and endanger the girls." He said stoicly. Now that he was close...his blood was eletric, because he wanted nothing more than to go in there and obliterate anyone who had hurt his Angel.


prof_leigh June 17 2006, 19:12:47 UTC
'There is going to be a lot to get through before we even get to the girls, and I am sure they will not be together, it would be to easy for us if they were.' She looked over at Azi and sighed softly, 'But we have to move fast now, they know we are here, the longer we just stand here, the less chance we will have at finding them alive.'


warriors_swan June 18 2006, 11:34:44 UTC
Swan looked down the alley toward the 6 other guys walking toward them. I brought some help.

Swan nodded to Snake. I think they will expect us to try and sneak in.

OOC: Your canonfodder has arrived.


_call_me_snake_ June 18 2006, 11:36:59 UTC
Snake shrugged. I'm not half cocked. Thinking more of an explosion.

Snake nodded to Swan surprised he was in agreement with him for once. I think we should do just what they think we won't. The front fucking door is not where they will be expecting us.

Snake started walking down the alley and snarled. He just wanted to get in there and kill the bastards.


east_gate_angel June 18 2006, 17:37:41 UTC
Azi had nofighting experience, no street experience like Snake and Swan. Nothing woul keep him from fighting to the death for Hermione, but until they got into the real fold of things, he was going to hover back and stay out of the way.


prof_leigh June 18 2006, 18:17:16 UTC
Eli watched Snake walk down the alley, 'We can't just got guns blazing in there without thinking.' She almost growled it, sounding very much like her daughter suddenly, 'We go in there all guns blazing and they could be killed quicker...we have to think this through.'


_call_me_snake_ June 19 2006, 01:07:06 UTC
Snake stopped and looked back at her. You got any ideas? If we go in the way they expect it ain't going to help the girls either. You know they wait where you think we are coming. They sure the hell aren't thinking we are coming to the front door.


prof_leigh June 20 2006, 17:34:23 UTC
'I think we should split up, come in from two different directions.' She looked worried, 'I really don't think that they will see that coming. Us coming from two different places.' She looked at Snake, 'But what do I know of wars?'


east_gate_angel June 20 2006, 20:36:18 UTC
Azi had been hoveirng back,a nd had tried to project himself into the building. he'd found a silent barrier, that rejected his attemtps. He tried againa nd again, without making a sound or calling attention to himself.

Looking from Swan to Eli to Snake, he finally admitted to himself just how scared he was. "There is a shield, some kind of...protetcive field around the structure."


_call_me_snake_ June 20 2006, 22:32:38 UTC
Snake nodded. You two look for another way in. Take Swan with you. I'll distract them unless one of you wants to come with me.

Swan had a scared look and shook his head. He had an idea of what Snake was up too.


prof_leigh June 20 2006, 22:45:51 UTC
'Snake!' Eli's eyes narrowed, she felt helpless, she waned to find the girls and to save them, 'Azi can sense Hermione, Swan should be able to find her with Rayanne's necklace as it has Aggie's feather in there.' She looked at everyone. 'We need to use the powers to find where they are before we try and find a way in.'

She glanced up at Azi, 'I will go with you,' she had magic and it would help Azi not have to do so much hand to hand combat. Snake and Swan were better at that, 'You two have street smarts and can fight up close, you go and find Aggie...'

'And if we need to, I think we should go back to the clinic, we don't know what has happened to the girls.'


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