Nov 10, 2008 13:13
With a few bumps n' bruises along the way and a potentially poor christmas (what else is new) I will be going to Chicago for the 20th -24th. Well specifically to Midwest, which is apparently moved to Wheeling Illinois.
Having absolutely no experience with you illinoiyans (oooh..scabble madeup bonus word) except for your lovely 8 tentacled monstrosity of an airport, I humbly ask:
How far is Wheeling, IL from Chicago and how much would I expect to pay for Limo. If this makes you roll with laughter, a secondly request an alternate route of travel or suggestions thereof, or in the slight chance that some would so happen to be in and around O' Hare airport between the hours of say...hmm 11:00 am and 1:00 pm and would enjoy extra ballast in their vehicle and possible in that case gas money or lunch money that would be capital!
I entrust myself into the hands of fate and your good judgement sirs :)