Apr 06, 2016 12:20
This has been an ‘AW Week,’ as in an ‘a**-whuppin’ week. It seems that everything that could go wrong, did. And I thought because the boss wasn’t going to be in, it would be easy, HAH! It seems there were a couple of classes that had been booked but were not recorded on our records so I had to scramble and put them in other rooms. Thankfully, we had another room in each instance. Then there was the room that had two classes booked in it at the same time. Luckily, I was able to shift one of them to another, (luckily!) available classroom. Then there was a Program assistant who asked for two night s to be scheduled for 20 meetings? Hunh?!? 20 meetings in only 2 nights?!? I’m thinking she meant to say 20 people but it’s not up to me to make that determination.
Not to mention that my time is all screwed up as I worked Tuesday and Wednesday this week to fill in for someone who was out today. That resulted in my having to reschedule a dentist appointment I had for today and I wound up rescheduling it twice more when I went home and checked my calendar. Then, as we had a Real Estate class in here today, and they are notorious for demanding coffee, I’ve made 3 pots of coffee already since 7:30 this morning, Lori made one pot and an instructor made one pot. That was 5 pots of coffee from 7:30-11:00 already today and the day is not over. Their class goes until 4:00pm, probably 2-4 more pots of coffee during that time. They are unbelievable in the amount of coffee they drink and coffee is not even included in their tuition! No other class demands coffee to that extent! Maybe it’ll slow down soon, we’re now out of sugar, heh, heh, heh. (No, I don’t order the sugar.)
I had forgotten that the little kiddies would be back in school this week meaning the traffic was going to increase again. As I came in a little later yesterday, I had people waiting for me when I got here although I am not supposed to be here until 7:30. Try telling the instructors that, they want to get in and set up their classrooms before class starts. As nothing unlocks in here until 7:45 (automatically on a preset timer) I was running around both days unlocking classes for the instructors, trying to hurriedly schedule the two ‘unwritten’ but scheduled classes and find them a classroom, then trying to get that first pot of coffee made. This morning I came on in a little earlier like I always do and that went a bit smoother. The building automatically unlocks at 7:00 but our area is not to automatically unlock until 7:45. You can be working in here and all of a sudden you hear all of these locks clicking all over the area at the same time, and you can look up at the clock and sure enough, it is 7:45. I’ve felt like I’ve had hordes of people coming at me both mornings!
That’s okay. I can go home tonight and fall into bed and sleep my usual 13 hours to catch up. These 12 hours days are difficult. And with the drive time, they are indeed, 12 hour days.
Yesterday 2 people were over here cleaning out, and restocking, their supply cabinets for the classes and one of them used to be my buyer in Procurement, starting over there after I left. She has now gone to work for the ‘Dragon Lady’ at the campus where I used to work. I told her she’d jumped out of the frying pan into the fire, based on who she will now be working for, and she said she had heard that but not until after she had accepted the job with the ‘Dragon Lady’ at Harris. Anyway, we went to lunch together and cussed and discussed Procurement. It is getting more and more complicated all the time. I know because they still send me the same emails they always did out of Raleigh.
At least it was nice to get out of the building and take a breather. And it was nice to visit with her. We enjoyed it and she said she will be back over here from time to time and we would have to do that again. That would be cool. I just don’t want to do it too often, it’s too expensive and too many calories to eat out all that often, but once in a while will be really nice.
And what the heck is wrong with Live Journal lately?!?