(no subject)

Apr 22, 2010 05:14

Well, Tuesday night no jelly beans, no foot/leg cramps during the night. Last night I ate jelly beans again and I had foot/leg cramps during the night. As I have only a few jelly beans left, they are going in the trash. And now I know, sugar in moderation only. I've never had a sweet tooth anyway so that really won't hurt me. I found out in later years my biological father had sugar diabetes so I am always cognizant of that in the back of my mind. Now if I could only figure out why cold weather gives me foot/leg cramps, hmmmmmmm.

I don't know why my computer would not allow me to log on yesterday morning but now it's okay again with no problems...for today. Who knows? As long as it works, that's all I care. It's been downloading a lot of 'upgrades' lately in the background so maybe one of those p*ssed it off for a while.

Today is my 'lunch out.' One of the people in the group that I buy for wants to thank me for 'being such a help to them.' I hate that sort of thing, it makes me uncomfortable but I protested the socially acceptable amount and that did no good so off I will go to a 'thank you lunch.'

My face was acting up a bit again with that red, itchy allergy yesterday and I figured, since we went downstairs and outside for the barbecue the day before, this time it was probably the pine needles they were putting down everywhere on campus. They initially bale them up complete with the dust and pollen that is on them, then they put them out fluffing them up, and it flies out of them into the air everywhere. Everyone was coughing after we got back upstairs so I wasn't the only one it effected. But that was some good barbecue and it rained a wee bit since they put the pine needles down which probably helped dissipate the dust and pollen from them!

Today is Thursday, the day before Friday (as usual, tee hee), and I am so looking forward to the weekend! Although it hasn't been a hectic week, I am tired. Maybe it's because I spent so much time wressling with leg cramps each night, I dunno. I'm just tired and ready for the weekend and looking forward to my phone call Saturday night with my girlfriend in Indiana.

She and I decided that we'd try to call each other every weekend. It's so good to catch up with her again! It's like finding an old favorite, flattering, comfortable dress again, one that always made you feel good, but you thought you'd lost and I mean that in the best possible way. We used to have such good, crazy fun back in Louisiana and we were always laughing at EVERYTHING! No matter how bad a situation was, together we could always turn it into a crazy, hilarious joke later and bump each other out of the doldrums over it. It was almost as though we were each other's sense of humor when the other was sad and it just worked so well. I'm really, really glad we reconnected again and I am so thankful I have free, unlimited long distance on the weekend with my cell phone otherwise we couldn't afford do it.
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