Apr 04, 2010 05:32
It sure doesn't seem like Easter but HAPPY EASTER everyone! Maybe it's because everything burst out in bloom weeks ago or maybe it's because for the first year since I've lived here my bed of Irises have absolutely no blooms for Easter. They've always been in full bloom for Easter every year before this. I've had some promising buds for the last few days but they still haven't opened. At least, I know they will. T.V. has not made a big deal of Easter and local Easter egg hunts either. Are things getting so politically correct that everything fun for kids is disappearing into oblivion or what? It just seems weird!
Younger daughter came over yesterday and finished cutting out the roots that were trying to make a tree house out of my house. Bless her heart, she cut a good bit before we realized the wrong type of blade was in the Sawzall. She put the wood/pruning blade in it and things went much better and quicker-until it got dull. Then we made a quick trip to Lo's and bought a 5-pack of wood/pruning blades. After dulling 3 more blades, the job was finally done, YAY! She's da bomb! She then dug in the concrete edgers which hopefully will deter any further roots from growing in that direction.
We didn't have the same pleasant, helpful guy in Lo's helping us in getting the blades that I had in there Friday in the Garden Center. (Of course, that was the guy that suggested I use toothpicks to mark the plants in the garden so 'helpful' is a relative thing! At least that guy was pleasant and funny!) Apparently, they've changed and started stocking a more generic, cheaper Sawzall blade (but, of course, at basically the same price!) than they were selling in September when Tom and I went to buy some so we needed some advice on those. (It was probably sawing through dirt and green wood that kept dulling the blades so quickly.) I hate it when a salesguy doesn't seem to know anymore than I do!
I thought they had gotten all the HUGE roots out when they were over in Sept./Oct. but she cut one out that was big enough we could have dressed it in her clothes and not been able to tell it apart from her! Now she's a tiny slip of a thing but for a tree root that's pretty good-sized! Then she loaded up the boxes of books I had on my table for 'Goodwil' and took them to drop off for me. Another big YAY! Another daunting task done. She left around 2:00 and wouldn't even let me take her somewhere and buy her lunch nor fix her a sandwich here. I guess by the time we would have gotten something bought/fixed for lunch, it would have been time for her to get home and fix supper. Anyway, I owe her a lunch for sure along with a whole heaping pile of gratitude I can never repay! And like I told her, if that tree does die, with very few roots toward the house, it will fall away from the house.
While waiting for her to come over, I remade my watch band. I really liked the one I'd made before a cat caught it and broke it and, as I had a bunch of those beads left, I went ahead and remade the same one again. After all, it matched everything I wore so well. I made it just ever so slighty shorter this time so it would fit more snugly, then when it stretches out a bit, will still fit nicer than the last one. That elastic thread doesn't last forever and gradually stretches out some. It's good to have my watch back.
Now, if I can just get about 4 rows of my garden tilled up and get my mower fixed, I should be set for a while. I'll get out and get the little screw clamps today for the mower. I'm hoping I can find some clamps that tiny without having to run all over town, maybe at an auto parts store. I've got to get that thing running and get some fresh tomatoes on the vine. I want to plant more Basil this year too. I didn't put nearly enough of that in the freezer last year. This year I will.
My good neighbor came over for a bit to offer tools for cutting out the roots but as I had gone and bought a pick after the last time, we were good. He kept talking and inching closer to the root work and I thought to myself, if he gets any closer to the work he'll be doing it himself. He filled me in on 'NIC,' the errant neighbor next door. It seems they came and repossesed the honking big SUV they'd hidden in the garage some time back. It belonged to that guy's ('new' livein boyfriend) former girlfriend and when they brokeup, he took off in it. When they hid it in the garage and they couldn't find it, she just stopped making the payments so they hunted it down and repossed it. 'NIC' apparently knowing the law, and the fact they could not go in the garage, charged them $100 bucks to back it out for them!!!
'Good neighbor' said because of the sort of activity over there the past several months, he spoke to a policeman buddy of his who asked him to take down the license plate numbers of vehicles that pull up in that driveway. It seems the new boyfriend is an ex-con and the police now have the place under surveillance for drug pushing. Oh, great! If anyone hears gunfire, call '911.' I'll be too busy ducking and running! Apparently, there's been an increasing number of visitors over there late at night and the police had already begun to suspect them. Sheesh! I lead such an exciting life! 'Good neighbor' also said the city would most likely confiscate that home in the end and I told him that was sad. Her mother is dying slowly and bought that home for her to get her out of that element in Gastonia and here she is, jeopardizing her mother's investment. What a sleaze she is!