Mar 20, 2010 08:32
I don't know who said what to whom, but there was an office meeting yesterday in which 'E. Ditsy Dir.' apologized for the way she has been acting lately. One of two things could have happened: 1. Someone higher than she is could have told her to "simmer down. You have too many employees who could go out right now and if you don't lighten up, you could be left with no one at once" or, 2. She realized just how mad and disgusted she made Milas and she figured she better lighten up or she would lose him.
Milas is her 'pet' as I've said before although everyone loves Milas. He just plain out gets along with everyone. He has the easiest job of all of us, always has since 'Ditsy' took over and as long as she's there, he always will. That's a given. She looks out after him and he has told her that although he could go out right now, he's going to stay until she retires. Like he said to us, "What am I going to do? Go home and play Wii all day? Nah!" Basically he's staying because his wife has not retired and he'd like to wait until they can both retire at the same time.
The sad part for me was that I was at the downtown campus at a pre-bid meeting and didn't get to be a part of that meeting. I would have LOVED an apology! Of course, my app't. out of the office has been on my calendar for all to see for days now, and paranoia or not, I can't help but wonder. After all, I am NOT 'Ditsy's pet! Everyone else was there.
It's getting close to time for doing our PDP's and I've already told Milas if they try to stick anything in there alluding to any sort of diminishing mental abilities, or any other abilities, on my part I will refuse to sign it. I'm too close to retirement to let them screw me around at this point. They really can't afford to make any of the remaining employees angry right now and I think that's basically why 'Ditsy' apologized to them yesterday.
On the plus side, it is going to be a gorgeous weekend and I have an exciting outing planned for today. It will be good to get out and 'free' my mind from all the angst going on right now.
Although my cousin was discharged from the hospital, I still haven't been able to get her on the phone to talk to her. I'd really like to speak with HER, not some couple I don't know beans about, giving me info regarding her health. As one member of that couple admitted to the other one having problems of her own, I don't feel comforted totally by what they tell me about my cousin. Someone who's language is so slurred you can barely understand her and who is attending 'group sessions,' well, let's just say I'd rather speak personally to my cousin to see how SHE feels she is doing. My cousin has always been the type to pick 'non-conventional' friends. I'll just keep trying.