So a few random thoughts to brighten everyone else's day.
I haven't figured out why yet, but for some odd reason, since I moved here not 2 days have past without me being asked by a stranger for directions.
DrHibbert says we have crappy street signs, but I don't think thats enough to explain it. Doesn't bother me really, but is a bit odd. especially since I always know if not the complete answer then the vague, "oh, its that way" answer. This has led me to believe one of two theories on the subject.
One: everyone in CA is lost perpetually, and thus they look for people who don't look local for directions. This is given additional support by the fact that most people here are ex-hippies who spent most of the two-decade period that gave birth to american rock-and-roll tripped out. As a result, they rarely remember vital statistics like their name or place of employment.
Two: I have a large green carat above my head, ala Tribes or The Sims. Except mine reads "I know where the hell you are going." Or perhaps "I will tell you where to go." I support this theory, because it explains why I am the one person on a street full of people who gets asked "where is Oxford from here."
I finally found
Qfish 's phone number in a jumble of papers. Called him at work. I'm sure he appreciated it. Dont get fired man!
We have a cool local game store. They are having a christmas in july sale. This results in the need for christmas decor. They decided that a christmas Chtulu was the way to go. So there is a large green octopus-like creature in a santa outfit. neat.
pfsheckarski has given me the writing bug again. That combined with allison being in class 3 days a week means I'm tapping away at the keyboard. I'm close to 19000, if anyone wants a peek.
That is all.