7 years old!!!

Feb 12, 2008 23:28

Today is THE day! Casey and Riley are 7 years old TODAY! Let's declare this a 7-year-old day. We all get to play as if we were 7 years old again!

First--I know Riley and Casey like to dance, so we should probably do the birthday dance right away.

All in a circle, whirl, jump way high, come down, do some cartwheels, turn somersaults, jump up and twirl real fast. Catch your breath, (for those of us slightly more than 7 years old) then hop on one foot, now the other, more whirls, leap real far and high, come back down and sit spin. That wasn't too hard, was it?

Okay, sitting in a circle, let's sing the happy birthday song. All together now!!

I didn't have to tell you the words, did I? Oh, boy, ready for some more whirls, leaps, spins, cartwheels? See those kids go!

I need to sit down for a while, but you guys go on and have fun with the birthday dancing and singing.

Many, many happy birthdays, Casey and Riley. I love you both more than I can ever say.

With much love, hugs and snuggles,

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