Aug 14, 2003 14:23
Yes, I'd like a little chees with that whine!
Sometime Monday night I separated my right shoulder. At least it feels like the time my left shoulder got separated. My whole fam damily is put together with wimpy rubber bands!!
Then, of course, we need to clear out the sewing part of the work room because all of a sudden our handyman, Daniel, calls and says he has some time to put in the new window Leslie has been wanting for years. Now I really can't do much but gofer, certainly can't lift anything much heavier than Mia Cat, who maybe weighs 5 lbs. And there is no way I'm going to stretch that right arm more than a couple of inches. Puts a strain on cordial family helpfulness.
Anyway, that part of the room is all cleared out, stuff off the walls, ready for Daniel. This morning, Daniel calls: his truck has to be towed and he can't come out until Saturday!!!! I had not finished all the sewing I wanted done by Sunday; it will probably have to wait until next week when the room gets put back together (we hope).
Leslie's dental visit on Thursday went fairly well; a couple of procedures were necessary that we didn't know would need to be dealt with; but she's almost back to normal, thank Gods and Goddesses! (Don't want to leave anyone out there, might be bad luck.)
All three cats are upset again because of moving things around; they're all afraid that we're moving and keep following us around complaining. Of course, I can't pick up the largest complainer, Simon, since he weighs a good 30 lbs. He tries to walk just in front of or right beside you so you won't forget he's there.
The worst thing about this bad shoulder business is that even if I got the chance to go see Beck and Paul and the boys, I couldn't do much to help since it hurts dreadfully to even stretch the arm out just a little bit. I don't see any way to go see grandsons without picking them up.
Yes, thank you, I would like a little more cheese...
I think maybe I just ran out of whine. Talk to you all again later.
Hugs and kisses to all the sweet children out there.