Mar 17, 2005 14:13
Well, I am really ready for some dull times right now. Enough with the drama!
The latest installment:
Thursday, March 10, Lizzy came to spend the weekend, and Friday,the 11th, Michaela came to spend the weekend.
4:30 am, Saturday, March 12, Leslie needed to go into the hospital because of a high (for her) temperature. We have learned not to mess around very long about getting her into ER. Sutter General is very weird at that time of the morning. Lots of test, blood work, strange machines that make her glow in the dark, and she's finally free to come home Wednesday, around 1:30 pm, March 16. Her main daytime nurse was deficient in social skills. Example, on the room admittance form, she kept saying "What? What?" when Leslie called Ardyn her wife. Then the woman proceeded to closely question Leslie about her diet; give her advice about unsafe diets, i.e., starvation diets; ask her very severely whether she had considered weight-loss surgery; question her about her behavior regarding exercise. All without knowing anything about Leslie and her medical history. I was there for part of the ............. This behavior of the nurse continued throughout Leslie's stay. I did not know about most of it, or I'd have reamed her a new one. Ardyn is writing a formal complaint about her to the hospital.
Sunday, March 13, Michaela had to go home after spending time at the hospital with Leslie. Before Michaela could leave, Lizzy's van, which she and Ardyn had got running again, had been vandalized during the night where it was parked on the street; the back window and the windshield were broken. Phone calls to insurance emergency numbers, deciding how to work around all the problems was not a whole lot of fun.
Monday thru Wednesday, visits to Leslie and Ardyn in the hospital, Lizzy dealing with several problems connected to the van.
Wednesday, Lizzy and I go to the hospital to pick up Leslie and Ardyn, only to find that her unfavorite nurse has now been inept about getting Leslie ready to go. Everybody else involved there is trying to get things done, and this woman is trying to get out of doing anything.
OK, deep breath. We get her home about 1:45, expecting the home health people to be there shortly to give instructions about the PIC line Leslie has in her arm. Home health gets there about 5:30. Home health leaves about 7:00 pm, just before Ardyn and Lizzy leave to go pick up the rest of Lizzy's things from her former living quarters. Not as many problems there as we expected but they did not get back until after 10:00 pm.
With me so far? This noon, Thursday, March 17, Leslie sits down beside Simon the Cat to pet him while her medication is going through the PIC line. Simon is acting pecurliarly, even for him, and she says he needs to get his blood sugar tested, which Ardyn proceeds to do. The machine would not even give a number for the sugar levels. Ardyn had the presence of mind to give Simon some corn syrup to lick at to try to get some reading. Nada. We call the vet and the office, says, "Bring him in." In we troop, they take Simon back to be looked at. When the vet comes out, she says they could not get a reading either. He needs glucose and hydration IVs, and monitoring. Simon is staying the night and when we left we could hear him expressing his displeasure. He may be able to come home tomorrow. Fortunately, at this point, we have enough funds to do this.
Lizzy's van finally got partially fixed, but will need a special window for the broken back window which is now taped up. She is still here being helpful, but I know she would like to leave and resume her own life.
Of course, Heather has been a tremendous rock of support for us, going to work, trying to keep up some kind normalcy, reminding people to take their meds, get their own shots, etc.
Beckett, Paul and the twins should be at the Garcia's by now. I heard on the news last night that some of the highways up there were closed because of high winds. I'm not sure whether no news is good news or if I need to hightail it up there to help out.
Who ever said that retirement was restful? I think I'll go take a nap right now since there's no high drama going on at this instant!
Love, hugs and kisses to all out there whose lives are even the slight bit stressful!