
Jun 20, 2010 19:20

I pretty much have the best dad in the world. Even though he does not say a lot, I still understand him...then again, I am basically his younger female version. He does so much for me that I cannot begin to attempt to pay him back. Well, just wait, when he gets old and dependent, my sister and I will be there. First of all, because that is what family does and second of all because he is simply amazing! He has been an amazing dad and I think I turned out all right. :) I do not know where he learned to be such a great father with no father figure in his life...but he did, and he did the best job ever! Along with working crazy hours to make sure there was food on the table, a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, etc., he also made sure he spent quality time with us. When we were younger, we used to go on yearly dates with him. I kind of miss that. I love spending time with just him. I understand him more and more as I grow older..then again as I grow older, the funnier he is to me..but do not tell him that. He amuses me without even trying and that is all that thank you dad for EVERYTHING! Thank you for all the work on my car, being there for me when I cannot drive home because I am sick, thank you for an amazing room that I can hang out with my friends in. Thank you for working all those crazy sucky hours so that we are all well supported. Thank you for making sure I always have everything I need. You seem to always have extra money when I am just short of making my tuition deadline...which I ALWAYs pay back as soon as possible and you understand that. We do not always see eye to eye because we are equally stubborn but I will always love you! I just wish you would read this someday.
Love always,
Dana Lee!
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