
Oct 30, 2008 00:37

Halloween's a retarded holiday for fat kids, yet everyone's getting so hyped up about it. The Vongola brats fucking rented out the town hall for their gay-ass party. Jesus fucking christ, what's the world coming to?

Around the office people are getting into it too. Most people are going to the Masquerade (read: costume party. pretentious blowhards call it a masquerade. hah.). Bel's probably going to drag me along. I'm like his living wallet these days. "Sharkieee, buy me a soda~", or "Shaaarkie, I'm huuungry, but me something to eat~♥". Recently he asked me to buy him two chocolate cakes. Either he's pregnant or there's something I'm out of the loop on here. Wouldn't be the first time.

[@Bel] The cakes should be on your desk today, if one of your fatty coworkers didn't swing by and steal them. Do you know how hard it is to find chocolate cakes here in Japan, brat? Do you? I had to go on a fucking treasure hunt for those things. Be grateful. If you're not, I'll fucking shove them down your pants.

And you still have to tell me who what they're for.

the varia's full of faggots, complaints, everyone's a fatty, halloween is a stupid holiday, the vongola's full of faggots

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