Jun 27, 2005 14:38
Today is Monday.
On Wednesday night at 11:55, my flight leaves São Paulo.
Only 2 days left. Unfreakingbelievable.
So this´ll be my last post until I get home because I don´t have time to post photos or basically do anything but go out with people I won´t see again for a long time and buy things. lots and lots of touristy things.
I´ll get home Thursday at 12:58 in the afternoon... Hopefully Thursday night we´ll all be going out for Mexican food, since it´s really hard to find and expensive in Brazil and I`ve been craving it like a pregnant woman for 11 months 5 days.
(And by we, I mean Nyla, Ashley, Jesse, Nick, Sara, Amanda, Scott, Evie, that whole bunch. Feel free to bring boyfriends, girlfriends, people I should meet, people who you know are my friends but I accidentally left off the list, etc. etc. Oh, and if you´re part of my family, you´re automatically invited, too.)
Anyone who feels like it can get me a good cd, book, movie, hug, or anonymous love letter. I´m not bringing presents for most everyone since I spent R$900 (like US$350) on Christmas, you bastards. But there will be a lot of foreign food and caipirinha -- I went to the grocery store and bought like one of everything they have in Brazil... it´s like the Noah´s Ark of food. (I got way fatter here, ugh.)
Anyway, I`ll see everyone on Thursday (I hope)
miss and love you people