Йобанные спаммера XD

Jan 29, 2008 03:40

3180142 (03:37:13 29/01/2008)
Message from: 8193711
привет котик

GramLeen (03:37:22 29/01/2008)
бот? )

INTRIGUE.RU (03:37:24 29/01/2008)
Type '!help' for assistance.

GramLeen (03:37:38 29/01/2008)

INTRIGUE.RU (03:37:41 29/01/2008)
Bot commands:
'!abra ntcn'- generate normal russian text from adrakadabra.
'!about' - print message about this bot.
'!donate' - Please donate this project.
'!contact' - Show contact list.
'!help' - print help message.
'!info 3180142' - show user info.
'!stop' - stop bot (administrative).
'!uptime' - print bot uptime.
'!to 111111 message' - send message to UIN.
'!status away status text' - set bot status. See !help status for more info.
'!xstatus' - get bot xstatuses.

GramLeen (03:37:59 29/01/2008)

INTRIGUE.RU (03:38:01 29/01/2008)
PHP BOT v3.7
Based on WebIcqPro v1.4b
(c) Sergey Akudovich
Contact author:

GramLeen (03:38:29 29/01/2008)

INTRIGUE.RU (03:38:32 29/01/2008)
14 hours, 5 minutes, 57 seconds online. Last login : 28.01.2008 13:34:02

GramLeen (03:38:38 29/01/2008)

INTRIGUE.RU (03:38:41 29/01/2008)
The system is going down for reboot NOW! :)

UPD: В инфе бот МУЖИК XD

UPD*2: сегодня утром пришло)))

INTRIGUE.RU (10:48:42 29/01/2008)
Message from: 27091974
привет котик

INTRIGUE.RU (10:48:51 29/01/2008)
Message from: 27091974
ты хуй

GramLeen (11:02:46 29/01/2008)

INTRIGUE.RU (11:02:47 29/01/2008)
The system is going down for reboot NOW! :)

spam, fun, lol

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