Jul 03, 2003 23:58
I gotta admit it; parties just aren't my thing. An introduction: we here in Sebastopol have our fireworks ceremony on the 3rd of July, for no readily apparent reason, and afterwards many people (my friends included) use that tentatively festive atmosphere as an excuse to have parties and drink and smoke and whatever. For those of you who know me well, you know I don't especially like drinking, or smoking, or even partying. (When it involves aforementioned components, which it almost always does.) So my friends Matt and JC and Mira decided tonight to go up the hill from the fireworks to a friend's house where there was a huge party. As expected, it was basically a bunch of people standing around with drinks, talking about bullshit and laughing at nothing. Reminds me of the Less Than Jake song, "Plastic Cup Politics", to wit:
"Hello six pack of confidence
Been so many nights
since we first met
Glad to see you've brought
all your friends
For another night of
plastic cup politics
Hello Mr. Six Pack of confidence
I'm glas to see you've already met
Ms. Twelve ounces of loneliness
And Mr. Plastic cup politics
I see you're under the influence
Of warm beer and the comfort of
all your friends
And I see that Mr. Loud Mouth
has had his forty ounce
And will pass out
I have no doubt
So drop your plastic cups and
clear your clouded heads
I keep asking myself if they realize
That their fears are really just the
same as mine
Do they know all their insecurities
Are the same ones that are inside of me
As people come and go
Do they know they're really not alone?
And the life of the party just left
I guess I couldn't cure his emptiness
Like all the rest
So drop your plastic cups and clear
your clouded heads
Here we are, another wasted night and
I am right along side
of forty sets of bloodshot eyes
And plastic smiles miles wide match
plastic cups we'll leave behind
It's just another night of
plastic cup politics
So drop your empty cups and clear
your clouded heads"
At any rate, I hung out there for a while, and then, because I wasn't going to drink (not just because I had to drive later) or smoke, things got a bit boring. Also, all night I'd been feeling a bit uncomfortable around Matt and Mira; I don't know if there's anything there, and I don't have any reason to assume, but he seems to spend a little too much time talking to her or being closer to her than I think he should, and what pisses me off the msot is that she doesn't seem to care. Not that we're really together, and not that I'd like her to be super-clingy even if we were, but it's nice to feel wanted sometimes, and I didn't get any of that from her tonight. Anyway, I mentioned to everyone that I wasn't really having the greatest time, and that I was tired, and some other lame excuse for leaving, and they all acted concerned and made sure I was okay, etc etc. Right. I just wish they had offered to do something else; at least Mira. Had she mentioned she wanted to leave, I would have backed her up, even if I had been having fun. But no, I left by myself, to come home and rant on LJ. Wheee. I think the two people with whom I identify best on this issue are Ethan and Shauna; they seem to understand that having good conversations with interesting people is better than any beer gathering. And what's more, those situations are of the rare variety where I actually feel somewhat left out, like I'm dragging everyone else down. That pisses me off, and only serves to solidify my resolve not to drink or smoke, ever. (Shouldn't make promises, but what the hell.) Ugh. So, I think I'll go to bed, seeing as how I am fairly tired and I don't have anything else to do. Ethan, Shauna, I respect you highly at times like these. The fact that you just went home and are satisfied being with each other is a very good thing. It'll get you through a lot more than making small talk with strangers ever will. Speak of the devil. Ethan, Shauna and Nate have just shown up, so maybe I will be somewhat entertained tonight. G'night!