Damn, I am sore. My legs are in a state of total mutiny. It hurts from my ass to my ankles. On the other hand, I seem to be oddly emotionally invulnerable, today. People have raised their voices, lost their tempers, etc., and I have been the Buddha, in the midst of it all.
I'm happy to report that I triumphed at Frisbee golf, coming in one stroke ahead of Travis for the first time, ever. This is probably the least interesting conquest of my entire life (second only to the time, a few years ago, that I beat the original NES Metroid over and over again, until I'd gotten every alternate ending) but I'm telling you about it, anyway.
Cleverest thing I did, yesterday: while
hogofheaven and I were raking grass on a hillside, I began to sing, "I had ENtered INto a MARriage / In the SUMmer of my TWENty first year..."
*cue laugh track*