Still love a man in uniform and may now actually be warming to a Glenister in a perm too. Gadzooks...
Took a lot longer to do the second half than I anticipated; had a horrible spell of every icon I turned my hand to ending up looking like the 10,000 pixel equivalent of a wet weekend in Ramsgate. *shudder* I've tried to be ruthless, but you know how it is. The odd smile here, the occasional dimple there - harder hearts than I would be needed to weed 'em out.
As ever, help yourselves. Credit is lovely ( for the benefit of the hard of thinking, this does not mean writing 'credit' underneath the thing on a forum somewhere), comments are vunderbar but hot linking may result in my replacing the icon with something nasty and embarrassing. Go and get yourself a Photobucket account - it doesn't cost you anything.