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Oct 26, 2010 01:14

I wrote my first Objective-C class a few days ago. It's interesting comparing it to C++. They decided not to make any new keywords so it's all new syntax instead and that's awkward to get used to at first. The difference between static and non-static methods is especially awkward, just using a plus or minus respectively before the method's return type. It also feels like C++ used to be before people went crazy over templates and before the language committee turned it into the language that ate Sheboygan.

It's been a good while since I did real object oriented programming so I'm having to get back up to speed with that. I think I'll have a working iOS app pretty soon though and I'm enjoying learning a new environment. Apple's documentation seems very good so far although I'm using the tutorial material more than the references.

I've been slacking a bit on my other language, namely Japanese. I'm mostly spending time playing Pokemon White in order to improve my kana reading speed. I need to do a lot more grammar and vocab so I can start to decode the game's text but I can glean some meaning on my own. For example, こうせん means beam/wave and しょぶう means battle/contest and みず means water and so on. Getting the game was a great idea - it only uses kana, it has lots of text, it is aimed at children so is fairly simple and I am highly familiar with the contextual material. It'll still be a long time before I am conversant with the language.
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