IFF Boston 2009

Apr 24, 2009 11:21

While I missed the opening night festivities on Wednesday evening, choosing to go to the Sox game instead, last night the Independent Film Festival of Boston 2009 began for me.  Last year's festival I set the goal of writing reviews of all 15 films I saw in the fest, but crapped out after 6 reviews.   This year, I'm trying to set a much more modest goal for myself:  Write a 140 character review on Twitter for each of the films I see this year.  I've already posted my first two mini-reviews last night over there, and will hopefully do better than I did last year with the bar set so low.

My current plan is to revisit some of my favorite films after the end of the festival with more in-depth discussions, but we'll see how that plan turns out.

Also, if you're interested in joining me for some of the films I'm seeing, here's an iCal feed of the movies I'm planning on seeing.  There are descriptions, links, times, and locations in there.

iff, iffboston2009, film, iffboston, movies

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