FUMN the Fifteenth

Jan 23, 2006 10:25

This weekend was a grand ol' time... coco_b, equalize and I left Cambridge around 5:30pm on Friday and rolled into Rochester around 11:30pm. We checked into the hotel and Matt and I met up with some other CSHers at Nick's. A few people bitched at me, apparently they felt they needed some golden and lace invitation to Nick's.. These people need to sack up and stop whining.. I go to Nick's every time I come to Rochester, and I gave plenty of warning that I was coming up last Friday. I told a few people when we were going to be there, and to spread the word.. If you are offended that you weren't one of the 3 or 4 people I used to start the "snow chain", well, get over yourself...

Anyway, after Nick's I went back to the hotel to sleep, and Saturday was predictably filled with DiBella's, DinoBBQ, and FUMN. There was also an Alumni Storytelling thing at 2pm on floor... I am not so into them, but organizing them was always a pain in the ass when I was House History director, so I decided to attend just to support my old committee. It turned out to be a fun time... FUMN was a rousing success, I presented 4 films this time, and one of them was rather short (at 45 minutes), so we ended the night "early" at 2am. To be honest, this was probably a good thing, because we still had a really large crowd at 2am, and normally by the end of the night we are down to stragglers, so perhaps I will aim for 2am as the "sweet spot", but who knows... Anyway, the lineup was:

food, travel, rit, movies, fumn, csh, rochester, film

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