Last time I checked the CambridgeSide Galleria was charging for Wi-Fi access, but here I am at the mall, waiting for Corinna to finish shopping, using their wireless for free in the food court. I love free internet. =)
Going to see
MirrorMask with the
film club in an hour or so, which hopefully won't suck.
Since I had time to kill here at the mall I decided to do a little preliminary shopping for a
replacement for my Sidekick II. My contract with T-mo doesn't end until May, so this is truly premature, but I had nothing better to do here, so wtf. The problem seems to be that nobody offers unlimited data service as cheaply as T-Mobile. Right now I pay $60/month for voice and data. And to be honest, I could probably drop down to $40/month (I only bumped it up because I was using the phone quite a bit while I was laid up with my leg.
I am addicted to having good data service on my phone, and so I'd like to score a Treo. AFAIK, the only (non T-Mobile) providers offering the Treo are Verizon and Cingular. Cingular's cheapest voice plan is $40/month with another $40/month for the unlimited data plan. Verizon's cheapest plan seems to $40/month for voice and $50/month for unlimited data. This sucks... Update: I forgot to mention that I get some pretty decent discounts from Cingular through work... I think I get 30% off on the phone and 10% off on the plan, but I don't know if that applies to data as well.
Do you think that with the upcoming Zorro sequel we will have to endure more Bryan Adams?