Preparing for the Trip, Part 2

Jul 01, 2010 06:53

I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday preparing for my model construction. This involves a lot of work in Illustrator, marking up images to be imported into Maya. It was not until Friday that I got around to the actual construction itself, which was a bit of a mad scramble to finish before I left. It involved a lot of tedious but frantic prep-work; the actual model-building was very quick and comparatively straightforward. It also looked like it needed a lot of work when I packed it up for the day: the posterior end of the cell looked like it had been in a really ugly car accident! But I sent it off to my supervisor anyway, and went home early to pack.

I had absolutely no luck at all finding a travel-size bottle of my contact lens solution, and figured that such items should be available at the airport, or in the worst case, Japan. I also got a money belt from MEC, which involved getting a membership at MEC, thereby correcting an oversight that should have been dealt with long ago.

And then I was at home, alone except for the cat, with all of my packing and preparation for three weeks on the other side of the planet still to be done. I took it slowly, which helped with the stress to some degree, and found that I actually needed fairly little. All of my clothes, plus a fleece and windbreaker, and a towel (because you should always carry a towel with you when you travel) all fit into a carryon. Realising that I could get by with less than half a shelf of books helped! I wound up turning in at half past midnight, planning on getting less than four hours' sleep but not minding too much. The jetlag might even be easier to deal with that way.


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