Where I Am Now

May 26, 2007 12:17

Yesterday was spent working on lab things, which took all of the time that I had planned on spending working on my paper. Yes, that paper is still not done! Granted, going to the pub yesterday after hours did not help with that, but that only happened after a trip to the library and a bout of more lab work (in which I learned that it is not a good idea, when planning on meeting people at a certain time, to forget that I have three experiments running at the same time!). So, today, angharad and I will go to campus and I will work some more on my paper, and if I have any luck at all, I will finish it. I will also probably do a little labwork, but I will do my best to keep that minimal (I must at least take a plate out of the incubator). First, though, we will go to the Market.

I will be very happy when this paper is done.


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