Back in Halifax

May 08, 2007 14:20

angharad and I are back home now, taking a breather before getting back to responsible things. I am home for the day, unless I decide not to be. We are spending lots of catching-up time with the cat, doing the laundry, going grocery shopping, and so on. It is not exciting stuff, but that is exactly what we need to be doing right now.

The trip home was fine; we had a nice visit with my parents and youngest brother on the last layover, but otherwise it was uneventful. That was good, given that we had had three hours' sleep beforehand, which of course further warrants today's sloth.

The visit with our friend was, well, amazing. It is still hard to think of her as a married woman, or with a different last name, although we are certainly happy to try. We did not get as much time with her groom as we wanted, since he was keeping to himself (and his best man) while we prepared the bride's side of things. We went out with them for dinner on Sunday and had some nice conversation, and we knew from our continued correspondence with our friend that she had found a good match, but we still need to spend more time with him.

The wedding was great. It was more religious than I was entirely comfortable with, but they are both religious people, and I cannot fault it on that front; they liked it, and that is what is most important. Only two other of our mutual friends from Bennington turned up, one of whom spent a fair amount of time with us, and we were all happy to renew our friendships, but the focus was (as it should have been) on the bride, and it was fantastic to spend so much time with her. The new couple were generous enough to have us over at their place for the two nights after the wedding in spite of our offering (and fully intending) to get a hotel room, an indication of friendship of which we are very appreciative.

I am sure that I could write more interesting things about this event, but I am still a bit tired, and the laundry requires changing, so I will leave matters at this for now. Perhaps I can get angharad to write about the angry robot dancing for me -- she was there, after all!


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