Trying Things Out

Apr 08, 2007 18:32

I just now got back from my weekly Dungeons and Dragons session. It was the first time that I played my new character, an elf rogue, and it was quite an experience. He has a different agenda from everybody else in the game, which means that while he is not on the bad guys' side, he is not necessarily a member of the main party, at least not yet. I am playing him as a very suspicious character, wilful and independent, willing to help out but at the same time not willing to invest himself seriously in others' affairs. He should be fun!

Meanwhile, I am also trying out my new contact lenses. I have had them since Wednesday, and starting on Friday I have spent at least an hour a day with them in. I seem to be getting used to them, albeit slowly. I doubt that I will be wearing them to campus any time soon, but for now that is fine. Hard contacts are like that. I expect that I will probably be wearing them all the time in a month or so, assuming that the fit can be made to work.


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