Updates and musings

Mar 06, 2007 11:14

Been going through a bit in my life, changing some things, getting some therapy and the best part (read sarcasm here) the drugs. Been going through a lot trying to cope with the stress of work now that my boss has returned and decided to turn the office on it's ear. I'm fairly certain that he plans on eliminating me at some point so he can put his girlfriend's brother in as supervisor.
He claims that he has no plans on changing my position, but like hell I would believe him. He did the same thing before, to a friend of mine. At this point I don't really care. I won't give him any grounds to fire me, and once he does I will put in the call to HO to let them know about the nepotism here. My boss pays his girlfriend to "clean" the office. I have hardly ever seen her here, the dust on the tables and work areas is overwhelming, and the best part, he pays her twice what the other service got, and they actually cleaned.

Add to this stress and worry that I am adjusting to new medications that, quite frankly, are messing me up, and I have not really been looking to post on the blogs, or read any books, or write anything period. I am not liking the way I've been feeling and I know that it will take a while before the drugs take affect, but other than a difference in my boiling point (which has been much higher than it was before) I haven't noticed much of a difference. The drugs have made me tired and made me feel like I'm on cold medication. You know that total woozy and disoriented, the world is out of whack feeling. I have to travel with my son this weekend. He is competing in his first Karate tourney in New Hampshire.

On one hand I look forward to seeing him compete, he has come so far in such a short amount of time, but I worry about the three to four hour drive. I really don't know if I can handle it. I am going to try like hell to do it, for him, because it mean so much to him to go. I just have to put on my brave face and be the dad.

Well that covers why I haven't posted in a while I hope to start doing more soon. I hope to start doing a lot more soon. I want to start writing again, both my fantasy novel and my Vampire book, plus I have a few short stories rolling around in my head. I also want to start getting healthier, I need to for my kids. So I have a lot of things to overcome, but I have so many reasons to do it. I just hope I can.

life, family, work

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